New Profiles Provide Insight Into Evaluation of Tribal Home Visiting and Early Education Initiatives
The Tribal Evaluation Institute (TEI) has compiled evaluation plan profiles that introduce and describe studies by Tribal Home Visiting Program grantees.
The profiles are designed for evaluators, program implementers, and federal staff interested in program impact in complex community contexts and may be most useful for individuals thinking about evaluating tribal home visiting and/or early education initiatives. They can be used as resources for the development and implementation of future evaluations in tribal communities, as well as to inform evaluation-related policies and grant requirements for tribal funding recipients. Each grantee profile presents a description of the program, a summary of the evaluation plan, and information about the evaluation team.
The report has also been published on the website of the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE), Administration for Children and Families. TEI is funded by OPRE.