News | October 5, 2020

New Projects Announced on Fatherhood and Tribal Health Topics

JBA recently received three new contract awards:

  • JBA will evaluate a new responsible fatherhood program implemented by the One World Center for Autism in Prince George’s County, Maryland, and funded by the Office of Family Assistance (OFA), Administration for Children and Families. The 5-year Evaluation of a Father’s Place Program (Fatherhood FIRE) brings JBA back into the arena of fatherhood work with OFA.
  • As a subcontractor to Chickasaw Nation Industries, JBA will support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention contract Building Indigenous Resilience in Communities and Homes (BIRCH) to conduct formative research on community-level factors that promote the primary prevention of adverse childhood experiences and opioid use among children, youth, and families in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
  • The American Indian/Alaska Native Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) Readiness Assessment Project, awarded to JBA by the Office of Minority Health, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, will identify factors to consider when locally implementing CHAP and create a technical assistance toolkit to support tribal readiness for implementation outside Alaska.