Ascend: HBCUs and TCUs Postsecondary Success for Parents
One in 5 college students are parents, and more than half of those are students of color.
Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and tribal colleges and universities (TCUs)—with cultures rooted in family, community, and holistic supports—are uniquely positioned to identify and address the needs of Black and Native students who are navigating childcare and family responsibilities. Ascend at the Aspen Institute’s Postsecondary Success for Parents initiative provides funding and expert technical assistance to selected HBCUs and TCUs that are committed to supporting student parents.
This project will evaluate the initiative using a culturally centered approach guided by the Garcia-Coll integrative developmental model, adapted for the context of HBCUs and TCUs and informed by the Afrocentric perspective and Indigenous Evaluation Framework. Our team will identify and monitor indicators of grantee progress toward effective practices and build grantee capacity by sharing guidance, feedback, resources, and tools. Products will include a theory of change, logic model, evaluation plan, site visit protocols, and final report documenting impact and institutional change.
Crystal Coles, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate
Crystal Coles has nearly 15 years of experience in applied social science research and evaluation in child welfare and maternal child health, including more...
Kristyn Yepa, D.N.P. Senior Research Associate
Kristyn Yepa has more than 15 years of experience in tribal healthcare systems. She is an expert in public health administration with strengths in tribal...
Tonya Bibbs, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate
Tonya Bibbs has more than 20 years of experience in applied social science research, program evaluation, and research design. She brings to JBA skills in ...