
California Home Visiting Coordination

This project aimed to increase coordination among agencies providing home visiting and family support services in California’s early childhood system of care.

In the face of considerable challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, the goals were to increase efficiency, maximize resources, and improve quality of services to address family needs. First 5 California works to promote, support, and optimize the early development of children, from the prenatal stage through age 5. JBA conducted the following project activities for First 5 California in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health:

  • Surveying counties to assess the status of home visiting coordination and identify related needs and priorities
  • Supporting counties in developing their home visiting coordination action plans
  • Providing coordination-related technical assistance to counties and facilitating peer learning
  • Advising First 5 California and providing policy recommendations


  • Julie Leis Julie Leis, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate

    ​Julie Leis has nearly 20 years of experience in applied research and program evaluation in the areas of home visiting, mental health, and child development...

  • Nichole Sturmfels, M.P.H. Senior Data Manager

    Nichole Sturmfels has 15 years of experience in applied public health research, specializing in data system selection, implementation, operations, and reporting...

  • Jill Filene Jill Filene, M.P.H. Executive Vice President of Research and Evaluation

    Jill Filene has more than 25 years of experience in applied research, program evaluation, and technical assistance. Her areas of expertise include home...

  • Colleen Morrison, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate

    Colleen Morrison has more than 15 years of experience in program evaluation and applied developmental research. Her areas of expertise include maternal...

  • Katie Sacca Brennan, M.P.H. Research Associate


Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Technical Assistance Resources

Policy Recommendations