
Exploring Family Outcomes for Parents as Teachers

about the project





Parents as Teachers National Center

Early childhood home visiting is a two-generation strategy: it aims to improve the lives of children as well as their parents or caregivers.

Parents as Teachers (PAT), an evidence-based home visiting program, includes goal setting with caregivers as a key component of its model, with family economic well-being among caregivers’ top goals. We partnered with PAT to investigate effects on employment, education, and income among PAT participants relative to a comparison group.

Our study found significant improvements for PAT caregivers, suggesting that the program may boost family economic well-being. We also disaggregated the data and found that demographic factors moderated effects on outcomes. Given the historical impact of structural barriers on opportunities, further research could enhance understanding of how home visiting interventions may help families overcome systemic barriers to achieving their employment and education goals.

The project is also exploring factors related to family engagement in PAT services.


  • Nichole Sturmfels, M.P.H. Senior Data Manager

    Nichole Sturmfels has 15 years of experience in applied public health research, specializing in data system selection, implementation, operations, and reporting...

  • ​Yuan Wang, M.S. Senior Research Analyst

    Yuan Wang has more than 15 years of experience in applied statistical research, capacity building technical assistance, qualitative research, complex survey...


about the project





Parents as Teachers National Center