
Implementation and Use of the Desired Results Development Profile for Infant and Toddler Developmental Assessments

Tipping Point Community supports poverty-fighting solutions in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Early Head Start for children aged 0–3. After hearing infant toddler grantees share their challenges with a state-required assessment tool called the Desired Rules Developmental Profile (DRDP), Tipping Point launched a 10-month study to investigate gaps in the tool’s implementation and use of findings.

The JBA project team implemented the study, which was codesigned with Tipping Point and grantee representatives, including infant toddler teachers and agency administrators at The Unity Council, Izzi Early Education, and Kidango. Activities included—

  • Facilitating focus groups with grantee leaders to gain their perspectives on program strengths and challenges
  • Conducting teacher surveys about teachers’ experiences with the DRDP
  • Completing focus groups to understand parents’ developmental priorities and experience with assessment
  • Analyzing information learned to provide knowledge and information to address identified priorities and gaps in the DRDP
  • Using data to inform codesign of recommendations and strategies with Tipping Point grantees, and to develop and implement plans for small-scale testing


  • Tonya Bibbs Tonya Bibbs, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate

    Tonya Bibbs has more than 20 years of experience in applied social science research, program evaluation, and research design. She brings to JBA skills in ...

  • Eleanor Fisk Eleanor Fisk, Ph.D. Research Associate

    Eleanor Fisk has more than 5 years of experience in early childhood research, policy, and practice. Areas of expertise include community-engaged evaluations...

  • Mariel Sparr, Ph.D., M.A. Associate Director

    Mariel Sparr has more than 15 years of experience in applied research and evaluation in the areas of implementation quality, early childhood education...

  • Dakota Bragato Dakota Bragato Research Assistant

    Dakota Bragato has a background in social science research and policy analysis, as well as experience in childcare, education, and community...