
Implementation and Cost Evaluation of a Two-Generation Model

about the project





Annie E. Casey Foundation

Up to half of children who grow up poor may be poor as adults. Can the cycle of intergenerational poverty be broken?

The Annie E. Casey Foundation invests in two-generation approaches to improve family outcomes by serving children and parents simultaneously. Its Family Economic Success-Early Childhood Education initiative, launched in 2013, piloted a strategy to deliver high-quality early education for children while building the economic and caregiving skills of their parents.

JBA led an evaluation of participating sites in Georgia, New York, and Maryland comprising a 4-year implementation and cost study and a 3-year outcomes study. The mixed-methods evaluation included interviews and focus groups during biannual site visits, review of materials, and analysis of data from the sites, reported annually. The team used theoretical frameworks of implementation science and hierarchical systems integration and developed a model for cost analysis.

A final brief summarized how services at the sites were implemented, how they evolved, and what lessons were learned. It answered questions about the feasibility of delivering two-generation programs and described short-term family outcomes.


  • James Bell, M.A. Founder and President

    James Bell has more than 40 years of experience designing and directing national program evaluations. He started JBA in 1979 to help programs better serve...

  • Grace Atukpawu-Tipton Grace Atukpawu-Tipton, Ph.D., M.S.W. Senior Executive Advisor; Senior Research Associate

    Grace Atukpawu-​Tipton has more than 20 years of experience in program evaluation, evaluation technical assistance, and applied social science research in the...

  • Amanda Thomson Amanda Thomson, M.P.P. Senior Research Associate

    Amanda Thomson has nearly 10 years of experience in social science research, program evaluation, and technical assistance. She is trained in public policy...

  • Todd Bartko, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate

    Todd Bartko has more than 30 years of experience in social science research and program administration. He brings to JBA his expertise in applied social science...




about the project





Annie E. Casey Foundation