
Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development and the Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management

about the project





Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration

Home visiting’s effectiveness depends on the strength of its workforce. This project looks at issues such as workforce turnover, recruitment, and retention to improve home visiting services and achieve better outcomes for families.

As part of a team led by EDC, JBA is leading knowledge development efforts to understand existing systems of workforce support and to identify gaps and opportunities for growth. Tasks include conducting literature reviews, performing environmental scans, developing annual workforce projections, and creating a public-facing resource library.

JBA also partners with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health for work focused on evidence-based case management; priorities include documenting core components of effective strategies, engaging local programs and community partners to assess current practices, and designing studies to test and evaluate their effectiveness.


  • Mariel Sparr, Ph.D., M.A. Director

    Mariel Sparr has more than 15 years of experience in applied research and evaluation in the areas of implementation quality, early childhood education...

  • Lance Till, M.S. Associate Director

    Lance Till has more than 15 years of experience working in evaluation, program planning, and early childhood systems of care. He brings to JBA expertise...

  • Alexandra Joraanstad, M.S. Senior Research Associate

    Alexandra Joraanstad has more than 10 years of experience conducting social science research and evaluation. Her work has primarily focused on home...

  • Colleen Morrison, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate

    Colleen Morrison has more than 15 years of experience in program evaluation and applied developmental research. Her areas of expertise include maternal...

  • Kerry Ryan, M.A. Senior Research Associate
  • Eleanor Fisk, Ph.D. Research Associate


EDC, Institute for the Advancement of Family Support Professionals, Start Early, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Urban Institute, Chapin Hall

about the project





Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration