Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce
The early childhood home visiting workforce has a critical role to play in meeting the evolving needs of families across the country. The effectiveness of home visitors depends in part on their professional well-being and on collaborative relationships with supervisors that foster learning and growth.
This project works to advance understanding of how to support and strengthen the home visiting workforce, including programs funded through the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) and Tribal MIECHV programs. The initial groundwork involved developing and refining research-based conceptual models of professional well-being and reflective supervision. Additional efforts may include adapting or developing and testing measures, evaluating the efficacy of strategies, and conducting further research on related topics.
Jill Filene, M.P.H. Executive Vice President of Research and Evaluation
Jill Filene has more than 25 years of experience in applied research, program evaluation, and technical assistance. Her areas of expertise include home...
Mariel Sparr, Ph.D., M.A. Director
Mariel Sparr has more than 15 years of experience in applied research and evaluation in the areas of implementation quality, early childhood education...
Colleen Morrison, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate
Colleen Morrison has more than 10 years of experience in program evaluation and applied developmental research. Her areas of expertise include early...
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, MDRC, University of Colorado Denver