
Tribal Home Visiting Resource Institute for Excellence (THRIVE)

about the project





Administration for Children and Families

Technical assistance centers offer guidance, leadership, and support to help organizations build capacity to meet their goals. Providers learn about organizations’ needs and priorities to develop technical assistance approaches and products while building broader knowledge across related fields.

THRIVE provides culturally responsive technical assistance to grant recipients of the Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program as they deliver home visiting in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

The center’s holistic, integrated support covers an array of topics, including—

  • Community needs and readiness assessments
  • Program design, implementation, and sustainability
  • Data collection, management, and reporting
  • Continuous quality improvement
  • Evaluation

JBA leads THRIVE, in partnership with ZERO TO THREE, Tellenger, and Michigan Public Health Institute. The project team uses a relational approach that prioritizes trust, transparency, and respectful relationships, among other factors. Technical assistance providers seek to learn from grant recipients and respect tribal data sovereignty and cultural protocols while sharing their own knowledge and skills. Project partners also work closely with the Administration for Children and Families.


ZERO TO THREE, Tellenger, Michigan Public Health Institute

about the project





Administration for Children and Families