Resource | Report

Emerging Findings From the Office of Family Assistance Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grant Programs: A Review of Select Grantee Profiles and Promising Results

Project: Adaptable Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance for Healthy Marriage, Promoting Responsible Fatherhood, and Tribal/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Child Welfare Grantees

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In 2006, the Office of Family Assistance, Administration for Children and Families, awarded grants designed to promote healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood.

This report summarizes the service models, activities, and preliminary outcomes of a select group of those grantees identified by JBA as part of an investigation into promising practices. Each grantee profile includes a project description, highlighted outcomes, and success stories.

The first part of the report profiles Healthy Marriage grantees:

  • Alabama Community Healthy Marriage Initiative
  • Hispanic Active Relationships Project
  • Lasting Relationships
  • Marriage Works! Ohio
  • Enriching Marriages in Indiana Project
  • Family Expectations
  • Healthy Marriages/Strong Families
  • Project Relate

The second part profiles Responsible Fatherhood grantees:

  • Promoting Optimal Parenting Skills (P.O.P.S.)
  • Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Project
  • Jefferson County Fatherhood Initiative
  • Latin American Youth Center Responsible Fatherhood Program
  • Strengthening Families Initiative
  • Strong Fathers/Strong Families Project
  • Family Strengthening Project in Minnesota
  • Keeping Families and Inmates Together in Harmony (FAITH)

The report closes with a description of national cross-site evaluations that involve grantees funded through the Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood initiative.



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