Planning for a Pay for Outcomes Approach in Home Visiting
- Authors:
- Kimberly McCombs-Thornton
- Chi Connie Park
- Susan Higman
- Ashley Kelley
- Patrice Cachat
Pay for outcomes (PFO) is a payment model that promotes innovative financing for social initiatives, connecting funding to outcomes and cost savings. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 allows Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program awardees to implement PFO. It can help awardees expand services, improve outcomes, reach new or underserved populations, and/or engage new stakeholders.
This resource summarizes home visiting research findings to inform PFO feasibility studies and project development, including outcome selection, projected cost savings, and outcome payment pricing for PFO financial agreements. It details statistically significant home visiting outcomes from prior research, potential economic value of home visiting’s impact, and the availability of administrative data sources to calculate return on investment.
The resource includes five components:
- Introduction describes PFO, introduces the resource, and offers tips for navigation
- Module 1: Overview of Outcomes Demonstrated in Home Visiting Studies presents an in-depth scan of home visiting outcomes achieved by model
- Module 2: Economic Value of Home Visiting Outcomes details monetary values researchers have used to establish savings in home visiting return on investment analyses
- Module 3: Economic Value of Outcomes in Non-Home Visiting Research summarizes monetary values researchers have used for similar outcomes in non-home visiting studies
- Module 4: Administrative and Government Cost Data Sources collates the administrative data sources used in the return on investment calculations
Modules contain a summary of results and individual profiles for each study. Profiles show methods, target population, location, outcome valuation, and cost data sources.
For additional information, also see the webinar and accompanying presentation in the “Available Downloads” box above.